You are curious about when a Taurus man misses you, right?
Actually it’s hard to make this guy miss you. Even if he’s not heard from you for days, he won’t really notice that. He is extremely independent, so you must be patient if you’re being in a relationship with him.
He may love you a lot, but it still needs much effort to make the Bull guy miss you. If you want to make a Taurus man miss you, the key is to keep a distance. He seems to have no boundary in love, so it’s possible that he will miss you when you’re not around.
No matter what your reason is, check out today’s article and you will know how to get the Bull to miss you.
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5 Ways to Make a Taurus Man Miss You

1. Don’t text him 24/7
If you’re curious about how to make a Taurus man to think of you all the time, the first way is to not respond to him too quickly every time he sends you a message. Also refrain yourself from keep texting him; then, he will soon miss you.
Do you feel that you’ve texted him too much?
If yes, the situation right now is that he’s so used to the fact you reply him immediately. It’s time to make him wait for you. By not texting him as often as you usually do, he will find it rare and value you more.
See also: When Taurus man is silent…
Give yourself time when seeing his message coming. You can let him wait from 10 minutes to even more hours depending on you. In response, he will text more and ask you why don’t reply him. Remember that he will take you for granted if you respond too soon.
Always keep him on his toes.
The meaning behind this act is: you do have other priorities. Within few days, he will call and say that he misses the old you. He wants you to behave like before. Well, be an independent woman and make him realize that you’re not the easy type. Just jolt him up a bit and you can handle the Bull with no problem.
2. Challenge his strength
We all know that Taurus man is proud of his strength.
Especially in this kind of situation, he tends to pretend to be strong. His persona refrains him from displaying his inner emotions and feelings. Nevertheless, at some point, he will confess to you with 3 words ‘I miss you’ if he really feels a connection and comfortable around you.
Taurus will stay around the person he loves every day. That also explains why he hardly misses you; it’s because you’re next to him most of the time. It’s better to give him time and space of his own. Tell him to hang out and socialize with his friends instead of sticking to you.
Without you being around, he will realize how much you care for him.
Discover more facts of a Taurus with a click!
3. Don’t make yourself available all the time
Another way to get Taurus man to miss you hard is to decrease your availability.
Imagine if you are with someone 24/7, will you miss that person? Well, how can you miss them when you see their face and talk to them every day, right? Therefore, if you want your Taurus partner to miss you, the idea is to part away from him.
You’ve focused too much on him; now, let’s take this chance to strengthen the bond with your own family and friends. Will this way work? It will, but he won’t like it because Taurus doesn’t like staying apart from his lover. Nonetheless, the distance can make him value you more.
Without seeing you frequently, he will feel your significance. He will realize how helpful you are when he gets into a problem and you’re not around. At that time, he wishes for nothing but you come back to him instantly.
4. Play the distance game with him
Let me tell you a little secret about Taurus man:
Sensual and passionate, he is the type always craving for more. Not only because of his curiosity, but he has a great level of possessiveness. If he has feelings for you, he would want to stay closer to you. In case you’re still not his lover, he will try to win you over at all costs.
He yearns for affection and never wants to lose you over someone else.
Want to know when a Taurus man misses you?
The simplest way is playing the distance game with him. Challenge yourself to stay away from him for several days. Once you feel that he has shown some signs of missing you, it’s time to come back and embrace him with affection.
5. Not interact much with him on social media
Believe it or not, decreasing your presence on social media is also a good way to make Taurus man miss you.
He has no reason to miss you if you continuously upload here and there on all of your social media. Your photos keep appearing every hour on Instagram and Facebook, and that’s enough for him to know what you are doing at the moment. Due to his type of character, he won’t miss you.
So, aside from refraining to text him, you must also reduce the amount of time going online and updating your social media. The plan here is to make your Taurus partner think that you are having a busy life and don’t have much free time to spend on online activities.
At the end of the day, you will know when a Taurus man misses you if you choose to stay apart from him. You have to be bold enough to make him think of you; otherwise, the plan will backfire.
Take initiative in everything; for example: be the first one to hang up the phone or say goodbye. This will make him crave more from you!
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